岩倉市国際交流協会 一宮市国際交流協会 稲沢国際友好協会 小牧市国際交流協会 清須市
※ 清須市役所教育委員会生涯学習課内
TEL:052-409-6471 FAX:052-409-8882
〒452-0942 清須市清洲弁天96-1豊山町
※ 豊山町役場 総務部総務課企画財政・情報係
TEL:0568-28-0913 FAX:0568-29-1188
〒480-0292 西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場字新栄260
Location & Inquiry counter
Zip Code: 481-853115 Shimizuda Nishinoho Kitanagoya city. Aichi prefecture.
Kitanagoya city, city hall. 4th floor.
※ The office changed its section from the 3rd to the 4th floor since April, 2012.
Link for disaster prevention of Kitanagoya city (in case of emergency)
External links will be displayed in Japanese. (No automatic translation.)
•Emergency Disaster Information 
- Emergency medical care on holidays
- Evacuation sites, preparations for rainy days
- Link for disaster prevention
- Disaster prevention information e-mail service
- Prowlers information (Partner Aichi [Aichi Prefectural Police Department Mail Magazine])
- About AED.
- Information about the flu
- It is different, SAMANE and e-mail
- • Report of the measurement situation of the environment radioactivity in Aichi-ken